Faster Suite contains all of the features below:
(Click one to learn more about it)
RingCentral for Clio
Faster Time automatically watches your mouse, your keyboard, and the apps you use. As you move from one app to another, Faster Time records how long you're spending on each document, email, website, and more.
At the end of the day, you can bill individual actions or you can batch multiple actions together into one time entry.

Faster Drive turns Clio into a cloud-based file server with advanced document management and automation capabilities. Ditch your server and store unlimited files on the cloud in perfectly organized matters all powered by Clio.

Faster Mail automatically saves and organizes every email into folders for each client and matter. Every email will be forensically preserved and always right at your finger tips in both Microsoft Outlook and in Clio.

Faster Snippets helps you standardize your favorite words, phrases, paragraphs, and emails. Create abbreviations that expand into words, phrases, paragraphs and pages all while merging in client and matter information from Clio. It doesn't matter whether you use in Microsoft Word, Corel Word Perfect, Outlook or Thunderbird, abbreviations work in every application.

Mass Document Automation makes it easy to create lots of documents for lots of people all at once. Whether you need a Christmas card for all your clients or a packet of documents for every client with a particular judge, Mass Document Automation is exactly what you need.

Split Billing makes it easy to assign a percentage split to each party you represent and is perfect for estate planning, mediation, or multi-party suits.

Conflict Check lets you search Clio for multiple terms and saves any matches into a beautiful report inside Clio that is documented and verified.

Meeting Transcriber makes note-taking a thing of the past. Meeting Transcriber listens to your computer’s microphone and speakers to identify multiple speakers and create a chat-style log showing exactly who said what and when.
With a searchable transcript of every meeting, you can focus on listening to clients instead of writing down notes.

Request Tracker makes it easy to keep track of inbound requests, outbound requests, and all the related information. It is perfect when you need to keep track of medical records, collections, interrogatory responses or just about anything else.

Faster Scan streamlines your scanning process by automatically detecting new scanned document and importing them into Clio.

Faster Invoicing is the easiest way to remind clients that they have an outstanding bill. Just type a brief message and select some clients from the list and Faster Invoicing will automatically generate and send email reminders to each of them. You can even have Faster Invoicing attach a copy of the bill.

Faster PACER takes the hassle out of viewing and saving PACER documents! When you receive a document from PACER in your email, Faster PACER will automatically download the document and save it to the related matter in Clio! That way you never have to worry about missing a document or paying for second looks!

Faster USPTO makes saving USPTO Private Pair correspondence easier than ever. Just select the correspondence you want to preserve and it automatically gets downloaded, de-duplicated, and saved to the matching matter in Clio.

Click to Call is the easiest way to call using your VoIP telephony solution! When you click a phone number in Clio, Click to Call will automatically run a customizable PowerShell script to launch the VoIP program you use and dial the number you clicked on!